My Grunt of Displeasure
Grunt...Haven't been here for a while..been stupidly busy trying to sort out my game since Generations came out..Grunt.
I'm really quite disappointed. I was quite looking forward to Generations when it came out and I genuinely thought it would extend my playing into an area where I normally don't go..children and growing up. I duly read all the forum posts I could lay my hands on, and was fully aware of most problems when I installed, but since Generations has been installed my problems began to escalate. I installed into an existing game so I could carry on playing a character that I had been working on and setting up for family life and initially only had the photo bug. Thought I had got off lightly, in the bug department, as usual. Since then..I couldn't upload any lots because the game wouldn't generate thumbnails of the properties, going to China is a nightmare as it sticks and starts to an almost stop and I can play for a full 'real life' day to get three sims days (half and hour to sleep!!), when on vacation nearly every tomb has at least one archway that I can no longer walk through(had to delete a LOT of walls), routing is non existent in some place, it broke CAW so I had to reinstall, things disppear from inventory on the way home from trips, and the most noticable of all for me is the lack of clouds in my game now. You may think that isn't such a great problem, but since taking screenshots is one of my greatest pleasures, and I can't really take the same pics as before of the sky, it kinda sucks big time for me. I got so miserable about it i had to install sims 2! I don't know how or why it has affected my's the same card that was there before patch to fix any of these issues or other peoples issues seem to be in sight..and the same problems that were broke before Generations are STILL between Generations and the patch they brought out, WHAT EXACTLY WERE THEY SUPPOSED TO HAVE FIXED!!!?